11.15.010 Greenhouse gas emission reduction policy.
In conducting the business of Silver Lake Water and Sewer District, the district staff shall consider all reasonable and financially feasible steps to advance the operation and maintenance of the district at the lowest cost to its customers in accordance with the following greenhouse gas emission policies (GHG):
(1) Water Reduction and Use Policies.
(a) Water conservation plans that may include water rate methodologies including summer water rates or tiered rate structures for water use.
(b) Establish programs and policies to increase the use of recycled water, including:
(i) Creating an inventory of non-potable water uses within the district that could be served with recycled water.
(ii) Promote the use of treated, recycled water for potable uses where GHG emissions from producing such water are lower and equally cost effective than from other potable sources.
(c) Upon upgrade to or construction of new district facilities review and consider water-efficient landscapes and irrigation, including:
(i) Planting drought-tolerant and native species, and covering exposed dirt with moisture-retaining mulch.
(ii) Installing water-efficient irrigation systems and devices, including advanced technology such as moisture-sensing irrigation controls.
(iii) Install edible landscapes that provide local food.
(2) Transportation-Oriented Policy Details.
(a) Consider use of alternative, cleaner fuels in vehicle use and use of transportation technologies.
(b) Reduce the rate of energy consumption through conservation and alternative energy forms to extend the life of existing and new district facilities and infrastructure.
(c) Conserve natural resources such as water and open space to minimize energy used and GHG emissions and to preserve and promote the ability of such resources to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
(d) Monitor the efficiency of the pumps in water and sewer systems, and operate and maintain them at peak efficiency. When cost effective options are possible, the one using the least amount of energy shall be preferred.
(3) Biofuels and Electricity for District Vehicles and Construction Equipment.
(a) The district shall consider the use of biofuels and electricity in all future procurement decisions for new or replaced district vessels, vehicles, or construction equipment that is not otherwise exempted.
(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the district believes that the use of biofuels or electricity to fuel vehicles or construction equipment used to respond to emergencies while providing water and/or sewer utility service is not practicable and, therefore, exempts such emergency vehicles from this procurement requirement.
(c) The district shall consider alternative fuels and vehicle technologies to displace gasoline and diesel fuel use when procuring emergency vehicles that are otherwise exempt from the procurement requirement.
(4) Purchasing Policy Details. Utilize purchasing to promote reductions in GHG emissions by the suppliers of its goods and services.
(5) Energy Source and Use Policy Details.
(a) Reduce greenhouse gases by expanding the use of conservation and alternative energy sources.
(b) Reduce pollutants from transportation activities, including use of cleaner fuels.
(c) Encourage energy conservation practices in buildings by raising the awareness of employees’ own energy use.
(6) Technologies.
(a) Public Buildings Policy Details.
(i) All new publicly funded buildings should be models of cost-effective, energy-efficient design.
(ii) Encourage energy conservation practices in buildings by raising the awareness of employees’ own energy use.
(iii) Conduct energy audits of publicly owned buildings, evaluate potential conservation measures, and then carry out those measures that are appropriate.
(iv) Promote weatherization programs for existing buildings, including subsidizing materials for low income citizens and providing information to all citizens. [Res. 765 §§ 1 – 3, 2018; Res. 652 § 2 (Exh. A), 2010.]